kinder world
Building a
“Look again at that dot. That’s here, that’s home, that’s us.”
To view the Earth from space is to invite new questions about who we are, our relationship with one another, and our responsibility for this beautiful, fragile place we call home.
Blue Dot Collective is a small but mighty team with a passion for creating and leading initiatives to address humanity’s big questions.
We believe in a kinder future – and we partner with leaders and communities determined to make it a reality.
Our Work
Creating the future we need will take a level shift in human consciousness. The world we have today reflects who we are. To change it, we need to change ourselves.
Blue Dot’s work is focused on igniting that change at an individual and collective level. Cultivating curiosity to better understand how the world works; developing compassion for ourselves and one another; valuing wisdom as much as ingenuity.
Our Partners
With Blue Dot, we are not trying to duplicate what other people and organizations already do well. We tap into an exceptional network to collaborate on customized projects and bring the right resources into play.
We practice what we call ‘radical collaboration’ because we know we are part of something much bigger than any of us. We value generosity, humility, courage, and an open mind.
Why Blue Dot?
A Note From Our Founder
“Blue Dot brings together people I love, lessons we’ve learned, ideas that matter, and a restless energy to, in Carl Sagan’s words, build a kinder world on the only home we have.”